Akanyang our neighbor is part of a traditional dance group. She will welcome you to her cattle post where she and her group will perform traditional dances. This is still so pure and nothing like what they do in lodges to entertain tourists.
We have to book it a few days in advance as Akanyang needs to invite the other women and walk to their places as this is still the way of communication in the communities.
You can try the dances yourself if you wish. You will feel like an African dancer dancing in their traditional skirt made of reeds.
It is nice to the session in the late afternoon or evening followed by a traditional meal.
Costs of the dance group are P 1.500. The ladies will be very happy with this extra income.
Basket weaving in Xharaxao
Please contact us if you wish to visit a women group in the Xharaxao community (30 minutes by car) for a basket weaving workshop.
And we have something very special for you!
Visit the Xhoo Village (less than a half our drive from our farm) and have a unique and pure experience. The donation per person is P 1350 for a 3-hour experience including tea and snacks and P 2350 for a 5-hour experience including tea, snacks and a traditional lunch.
What did our guests say?
“If you would love to discover the authentic African culture, a day visit to one of the many communities gives a true flavor of how the local people live, love, laugh and survive.
We had the honor of being the first visitors (Oct. 11th 2022) of the community called “Xhoo” in the Okavango Delta. A rather small community with about 100 people, a mix of children, men, and women. Xhoo recently developed fast by the tremendous work of volunteers and a non-profit organization Mmila Mela in cooperation with Katja’s foundation StartUp4Kids. Few examples of the recent accomplishments are the construction and set-up of a pre-school with a flush-proof toilet and a bore hole for drinking water.
Imagine, less than one month ago the people had to walk at least 7 km for water to drink, cook meals and wash themselves. Today, the village has its own water source and even Wi-Fi connection. “Hope” has been turned into opportunities for this village.
During our visit to Xhoo, the inhabitants took us on a traditional journey by dancing, singing, preparing ceremonies and they even shared few of their bedtime stories. We went on an inspiring bush walk where we learned all about different kinds of trees and fruits and its natural power. As an example of how they used to earn money, the people showed us how to cut and collect grass which they sell, as the grass is used for building the roofs on their houses and it should be renewed now & then. During lunch a traditional meal was served which we all enjoyed together. It was the perfect environment to reset your mind & believes. We took that very specific feeling back home. Such a lovely day.
The people of Xhoo are so grateful for all the developments done and are excited about the future. Many different empowerment trainings are given so this village can operate independently. Thank you for the great work, each & every day. Little steps, great changes.”
Delfien & Wouter, 15/11/2022
Please contact us if you wish to visit the Xhoo community or if you want to receive the flyer with more information.