Our sustainability strategy is based on three pillars:
– Care and respect for the environment
– Supporting the local community
– Being a good employer
Care and respect for the environment
We are a Dutch couple from the other side of the world who bought a piece of farmland in Ngamiland within a community area on the buffalo fence called Tsutsubega on the edge of the Okavango delta. Although it is only 20kms from Maun it is still a pristine and remote area. Our house, training centre and accommodation for guests are situated on an Island in the middle of a flood plain with different vegetation like ancient forests, sage fields, scrubs and water pans.
Our Farm is home to genets, duiker, bush-babies, aardvark and vervet monkeys. Hippos and elephants regularly pass by. At night spotted hyenas, lions and sometimes leopards can be heard. Not only the flora and fauna is diverse in our area, also birdlife is abundant: woodpeckers, hornbills, (fish) eagles and flycatchers are frequently seen.
We both love nature and we want to keep the farmland as pristine and to leave the smallest foot print as possible.
How do we do that?
-If we do have to cut a tree we plant at least two new trees
-We use solar energy, the generator is only for back-up
-We have our own water supply
-All farm, domestic and wild animals are treated well and will never be harmed by us
-We use dead wood we find in our farm as fire wood or for building purposes
-Our toilets have septic tanks
-We separate waste and we recycle what we can
-All fruits and vegetables in our vegetable garden are organically grown
-We live as much as we can from our own produce
-We use compost for our flower and vegetable garden
Supporting the local community
As we are in the middle of a farming community we will respect the people and animals who live there. We offer people from the local community the possibility to work for us. We will always try to find employees first within the community.
Beside that we give our social and financial education program to their children to teach them financial and entrepreneurial skills.
Being a good employer
We strive to create safe and respectful working conditions at our farm. Salaries will always be above minimum wage. We support the professional development of our employees by offering them specified trainings.